About The Ministry

The Catholic Centurion is a private Catholic deliverance ministry that offers a self-guided, video-based deliverance model called the 7 Steps of Self-Deliverance which can be completed from the privacy of your own home.

Our ministry also provides prayer sessions (via phone or video chat), educational workshops, and free resources to set Christians free from any diabolical influence operating in their lives.

We consider this work to be a personal charity Jesus Christ has called us to perform in order to alleviate the suffering of those who are in some form of demonic bondage.

Our services are 100% free-of-charge, but we do take donations to help ease the burden of our website costs (as we pay them out of pocket), and we are looking for interested partners who wish to help us advance the important work of Brother Ignatius Mary, my mentor and friend who passed away in late 2019, through our Good Brother Legacy Project.


Letter From the founder

Welcome! My name is Robert. I founded The Catholic Centurion and have been involved with deliverance ministry in some form or another for the past 17 years. I am a Catholic layman living in a Delaware beach house and currently working as an assistant teaching professor at a major public university where I teach courses on rhetoric and writing.

Formerly, I served as the Senior Director for Global Outreach at the Magis Center, a Catholic nonprofit founded by Fr. Robert J. Spitzer of EWTN fame. You can check out his T.V. program, Father Spitzer’s Universe, on Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 12:30 a.m. Father Spitzer is the former president of Gonzaga University and a world-renowned ontologist and philosopher of science. He actually discussed the origins of the universe with Stephen Hawking on Larry King Live back in 2010. While working at the Magis Center, I tackled the growing tide of atheism and materialism in our secular culture by traveling the United States, Europe, and Asia and giving lectures at major universities and to diocesan school leaders on the evidence for God’s existence found in contemporary Big Bang cosmology. I have spoken many times as the keynote speaker at such events to crowds as small as a dozen people to crowds numbering more than 1,200. (With my close friends at the time, I often joked that I dealt with hard science by day and spooky ghost stories at night.)

Roughly 17 years ago, I suffered intense depression and misery of a demonic origin. Through Christ's merciful and loving hand, I was led to a deliverance ministry where I experienced—there's really no other word for it—an awesome and radical, life-changing spiritual freedom I had never really felt before.

Over the years, the Holy Spirit led me from one mentor to the next, where I slowly but surely was educated in the principles of spiritual warfare. Finally, over a period of three years, I was directly mentored by a Catholic deliverance minister with 40 years of experience: Brother Ignatius Mary, a consecrated lay brother who founded the St. Padre Pio Center for Deliverance Counseling, an organization through which I attended his St. Michael’s Academy of Spiritual Warfare and was formally trained by him in deliverance ministry. Before his death three years ago, Brother was the most experienced deliverance counselor in the entire world, in my humble opinion. And I had the pleasure of being one of his last two students. (Recently, in fact, I learned that we inherited Brother’s nonprofit foundation, the Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael. We are now working hard to advance his incredible ministry and writings which spanned over 40 years. Please join us in this effort by checking out our Good Brother Legacy Project. We need your help and prayers!)

I was originally raised as a Protestant (Southern Baptist), but around the age of 30, I had a radical conversion to Catholicism, which I now know to be the one, true, holy, apostolic Church. For more on my spiritual journey, you can find my conversion story right here.

I am obedient to the Magisterium and the Pope in all theological matters. I do not consider myself to be a charismatic. My approach when it comes to deliverance is a little more “scientific,” if you wish to call it that. It mirrors the diagnostic process developed by physicians in the medical community. I approach each individual case with an open mind, examining the given facts and initially eliminating any possible natural explanations for the client’s experiences one-by-one. The Holy Spirit guides me through this process of discernment, pointing out to me something of interest in the client’s case history that is necessary to give a proper diagnosis, at which point, I will advise the client on how we should proceed.

That being said, I am a pretty normal Catholic, all things considered, with the same struggles we all have. I am a member of Church of the Holy Cross in the city of Dover, DE. And I am currently discerning two things: becoming an ordained deacon in the Diocese of Wilmington, as well as joining the Oblates and Missioners of St. Michael as a consecrated layman living in the world. (Your prayers for a fruitful discernment process are greatly appreciated!)

And, of course, if there’s anything I can assist you with on your spiritual journey or if you’d just like to have a chat, please feel free to reach out!

May God bless and protect you as you seek deliverance from evil in all of its forms. Amen.
